Success Story: Position Paper 2024

Position Paper 2024: Towards a Human-Centric Digital Transformation

The Position Paper 2 (PP2), presented at SPS Italia 2024, represents a significant step forward in the journey towards human-centric digital transformation. This comprehensive document was developed by members of the Scientific Committee (CS) of SPS Italia, which includes leaders and experts in Automation and Digital Technologies from some of the most prominent companies in the Italian manufacturing sector, including both machine and plant builders (OEMs) and users and producers across various industries. The committee also benefits from the expertise of several professors from leading Italian universities, such as Prof. Giovanni Berselli from the University of Genoa.

PP2 builds upon and evolves the previous document from 2023 (PP1), aiming not only to provide a general vision but also to offer specific insights into the technological advancements of Industry 4.0 and 5.0. This new paper seeks to integrate, modify, and expand the content of PP1, which was titled “Strategies, Experiences, and Concrete Paths for a Successful Digital Transformation.”

In addressing digital adoption strategies, PP2 strikes a balance between analyzing the potential benefits and identifying the possible challenges that companies may face, emphasizing the importance of having a Strategic Vision to guide the transformation process. Drawing from numerous real-world experiences within companies and anticipating further technological developments, PP2 aims to support decision-making processes in technology adoption, highlighting the importance of evolutionary and flexible paths tailored to the specific needs of various business realities.

Two presentation sessions are scheduled at the Parma trade fair to discuss the document with the authors:

  • May 28, 3:00 PM – Arena Industry: This session will focus on the first part of PP2, which primarily addresses the need for a Strategic Vision, the capability of Value Generation, the State of the Art of Technologies, and explores New Business Models such as Servitization and Platform Thinking. Participants include: Oronzo Lucia, Scientific Coordinator SPS Italia – Stefano Faccio, Marelli Automotive Lighting Italy – Paolo Foglio, Iveco Group – Gabriele Guzzetti, Galbusera – Maurizio Mangiarotti, University of Siena – Alberto Simoncelli, Kenvue.
  • May 29, 4:00 PM – Arena Industry: This session will discuss the second part of PP2, which focuses on architectures supporting systems and production processes, from the classic ISA 95 Pyramid to more modern architectures that better support the potential of new technologies. Topics include RAMI 4.0 architectures, ISO IoT, WoT, and IIRA, with comparisons of their advantages and disadvantages depending on the different areas of application. Participants include: Oronzo Lucia, Scientific Coordinator SPS Italia – Davide Borghi, Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions – Massimo Ghelfi, Industry Expert – Massimo Lenti, GEA – Federico Milan, Breton.