Best Practice: Innov’Handicap Challenge

Innov’Handicap Challenge 2024

Date and place

2 April to 15 May 2024, EPF

The final of the 7th edition of the Challenge Innov’handicap, held on April 29 on the Paris campus of the EPF Engineering School, highlighted and rewarded innovative solutions aimed at making people’s daily lives easier. in a situation of disability.

This annual multi-campus event, now essential in the life of the school, raises students’ awareness of this major issue by challenging them to undertake and innovate for an inclusive society, and contributes to the detection of talents in the part of the Deetechtive EU project.

Involved partners who made this challenge possible: SCC France, Dassault Aviation, Bouygues Telecom, Devoteam, Dassault Systèmes, EDF Renouvelables, mc2i, Sopra Steria, Handicap_fr, Association La Handitech, THransition, and our partner associations: AUTISME 3D , apiDV – Support, Promote, Integrate the Visually Impaired, Le Céapsy, GEM Narbonne, LE MAI DES HANDICAPES, AUTISM AUBE.

The 450 4th year students divided into teams have developed innovative solutions responding to specific issues in the field of disability, with the valuable support of our teachers, researchers, associations and partner companies.

Following a pre-selection, nine finalist teams were invited to present their solutions to a jury made up of our partners and committed associations, who designated the winners:


🚀 “Digital Innovation” Prize by SCC France: LiveSign, supporting Autisme Aube.

“Education, childhood and caregivers” Prize by Bouygues Telecom & Challenge Grand Prize by SCC France: Synesthés’Art, supporting apiDV.

👩‍   “Health and mobility devices” prize by Dassault Aviation: Robot’aide, supporting Autisme 3D.

❤ “Favorite” Prize by AEPF Alumni – Association of Alumni of the EPF Engineering School: Inclusive Tandem.


Lessons Learned

Positive: The conducted Deep-Tech date required: intensive promotion of the event, spotting excellent and professionally recognized specialists, coordination of the event. Conclusively we aim on an event offerings an education opportunity addressing a hot topic resulting as efficient, engaging and appealing.

Negative: Cooperation with student organizations can bring measurable results in the form of real adaptation to the needs of students in the field of development of innovations and businesses.