Best Practice: Demo Day

Demo Day: Grow Up Tech #3

The GROW UP TECH #3 project event, “Technology Innovation and Impact – December Collide!” has been a success. This event celebrated the innovative efforts and achievements of our project participants.

Within the Deetechtive Project framework, we showcased the remarkable work of participants from GROW UP TECH, the pre-incubation program of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Over three workshops led by experts—Patrycja Radek (Product Development, Design Thinking), Wojciech Wodo (Lean Startup, MVP creation, USP), and Karol Gawron (AI Tools for Startups, BARDS.AI)—participants honed their skills.

During this special event, six teams presented their projects:

  • 🚲 – Paweł Główczewski, Anna Schmidt, Adam Suchożebrski
  • 👫 CHUMS – Patryk Wypych, Jakub Miara, Jakub Olszewski
  • 📚 Fizyczni – Konrad Kacperowski, Michał Pawłowski
  • 🗺️ HTB with the GoThere app – Erwin Marysiok, Sebastian Suwada, Jan Krzempek, Jędrzej Cieślak, Wiktor Malinowski
  • 🌊 climataid. – Piotr Olszewski, Tomasz Matusiak, Paweł Sitarz
  • 🧭 Zaplanuj Wypad – Piotr Graczyk, Dawid Wolkiewicz, Zofia Żukowicz, Mirosław Retkiewicz, Dominika Gawara, Aleksander Atamańczuk

The Pitch Deck presentations were evaluated by a distinguished jury:

  • Wojciech Wodo – CEO of 360 Degrees Sp. z o.o., specialist in cybersecurity and business development
  • Aleksandra Hamryszak – Co-founder of TechSHEroes, managing director
  • Katarzyna Can – Founder of Hola HR, co-founder of TechSHEroes
  • Jakub Cendrowski – Director of INQUBE – University Entrepreneurship Incubator at the University of Economics in Wrocław
  • Pawlos Mandzios – Investor, CEO of Faros Investments, MedTech Holding, SMD Group
  • Konrad Krajewski – Investor, experienced entrepreneur, co-creator of companies such as BIOTTS S.A., GENOMTEC S.A., TERRABIO Sp. z o.o.

Award Winners

  • 🏆 emerged as the winners of Demo Day, earning a trip to the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2024 in Paris!
  • 👏 The Zaplanuj Wypad team received a special mention from the jury.

The event also featured inspiring speeches from invited guests:

  • Bartłomiej Postek from Hanza Group discussed entrepreneurial challenges.
  • Paulina Muszyńska from Startup Wrocław (ARAW) explored the Wrocław ecosystem.
  • Mateusz Molasy introduced the upcoming DEETECHTIVE project for 2024.
  • Anna Górecka, director of AIP PWr, invited participants to join the Grow Up Tech #4 pre-incubation program.

The evening was filled with integration, fun, presentations, and a strong sense of community at the Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. We extend our gratitude to everyone for their presence, positive energy, constructive feedback, and support!

Lessons Learned

Before the DEETECHTIVE project, our students had limited exposure to a multicultural, international environment and international lectures on business development from six different countries. Similarly, our academic and non-academic staff had limited access to international educational platforms for knowledge sharing and learning. However, this is changing, and we anticipate significant impact in the coming years.