From June 28th to June 29th, the Consortium of the DEETECHTIVE project met in Wroclaw for the Kick-Off meeting hosted by the project coordinator Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Two days of intensive work to set-up the first phase of the project and discuss the results to be achieved. Each WPs objective has been analyzed and KPIs […]

[Training]: DRIM PhD Schools

Dear all, we are pleased to announce the 1st Doctoral Summer School on Robotics and Intelligent Machines – DRIMS2, which is taking place from August 30th to September 5th, 2023 at the Volterra International School of Higher Education, a Campus in the province of Pisa that can host guests in residential format offering accommodation, classrooms, […]

DEETECTHIVE sponsors a Robotic Challenge Award for PhD Students


DEETECTHIVE sponsors the prestigious DRIM Summer School Robotic Challenge 2023. The Robotic Challenge was more than just a contest; it was a symphony of innovation, passion, and determination. This journey has been a blend of learning, hard work, and persistent collaboration. Winning team members: Eleonora Fontana, Chiara Lambranzi, Seyyed Masoud Kargar, and Antonella Imperato – Their collective efforts […]

[Event] :Wrocław Tech Date – MedTech

Short description of the event Wrocław Tech Date was an open-access trainings focused on Deep Tech intended to connect and create strong links with representatives of different groups of the knowledge triangle, so that they can share their experiences, problems, ideas and start new collaborations. The main aim of the Deep Tech Date was: exchanging knowledge […]

[Event]:Deeptech Challenges at WUST

The program is implemented as part of the Deetechtive EU project financed by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. What an incredible and inspiring atmosphere of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship! 💡🚀 I had the honor of participating in the inauguration the "BEST HACKS 2023" hackathon organized by the BEST Wroclaw. Our project, Deetechtive EU […]

[Training]: Deep-Tech Digital Technologies in Health and Education @ HIT

The “Deep-Tech Digital Technologies in Health and Education” has been held on Tuesday, November 14th, from 16:00 to 19:00. This event, organized by HIT – Holon Institute of Technology members at the DEETECHTIVE project, was a significant undertaking aligned with the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the DEETECHTIVE project under the European Institute of Innovation […]

[Event]: Deeptech date SHEroes at WUST

The TechSHEroes machine speeds up, discusses, educates and plans! The first meeting in a larger group, apart from the founders we were joined by fantastic #women from different fields! A full package of inspiration! 💪 We started with a speech by wonderful Dr Patrycja Buxton from University of Stavanger, and ended with a workshop with Patrycja Radek from Uniwersytet SWPS, which made us know better […]

[Event]: Grow-up Tech at Wust

At the Technology Innovation and Impact - December Collide! we had the opportunity to meet in an innovative spirit and summarize the dynamic activities of the participants of the GROW UP TECH #3 project. During this unique evening, six bands performed, and two of them were awarded by the jury: Wojciech Wodo, Aleksandra Hamryszak, Katarzyna […]

[Event]: Deetechtive Competition at EPF

The EPF Engineering School is a partner of the European project carried out at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Innoman team - of the University of Science and Technology in Wroclaw (Poland), winner of the competition of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology ( EIT): “HEI – Higher Education Initiative - Innovation Capacity […]

[Event]: Remote Lab for IoT and Robotics at HIT

The HIT Remote Lab for IoT and Robotics is a key Innovation Infrastructure within IDEATION supporting Activites1,2 and 3 of IDEATION. In Phase 2 of the project, we have continued to develop the infrastructure and its Remote Operation Human Machine Interface on the basis of the preliminary joint experiences with the Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) within IDEATION partners and other […]

[Event]: Robotic Challenges at ERF – Organized by UNIGE

At University of Genova, we have organized a training day at Italian Institute of Technology. 35 students have been given the opportunity to meet & greet with Principal Investigators of several robotics labs