Best Practice: TechSHEroes

Wrocław Tech Date – TechSHEroes

Woman in innovative and high-growth entrepreneurship

Date and place

07.12.2023, Wrocław

Short description of the event

 Wrocław Tech Date – TechSHEroes was an open-access training for women. The main aim of the event was to link women in order to create a peer-learning network that seeks to strengthen woman in business, science, innovation and Deep Tech. TechSHEroes initiative aims at connecting women representing different groups of the knowledge triangle, so that they can share their experiences, problems, ideas and start new collaborations. The event included interactive module to raise questions, debate key issues and share knowledge and expertise.

 The main topics discussed during the event:

  • What are the main challenges for women carriers in technology-oriented science and business?
  • How efficiently exchanging knowledge and broaden the perspective around deep technologies among women?
  • How to enhance and support other women carriers in everyday life?

The event included workshop on Design Thinking in Deep Tech.

Key conclusions:

  • Numerous studies show that diverse teams perform better. We need more female entrepreneurs who help to drive social change.
  • To support women it is crucial to invest more venture capital in female founding teams.
  • Women are needed in the tech start-up scene. Considering the societal challenges we’re facing, we can’t afford to do without women’s entrepreneurial power and creativity.

Wrocław Tech Date was organized by ITT, Adacemic Entrepreneurship Incubator at WUST, Innomanu team from WUST.



15:15                    Welcome to the TechSHEroes meeting participants

Dr. Anna Górecka (Poland); in-person

15:20                    Challenges for women entrepreneurship and science career development – insights from Norway.

Dr. Patrycja Sosnowska-Buxton, Researcher at the University of Stavanger (Norway); online

15:35                    Challenges for women entrepreneurship and science career development – insights from Korea.

Dr. Hyeriem Pak (Korea); in-person

15:50                    Discussion with the speakers

16:00                    TechSHEroes Design Thinking workshop

Patrycja Radek; in-person

List of participants

The participants represented various groups of Deep Tech ecosystem: scientists, startups, companies, VCs, organizations implementing programs targeted at deeptech and innovation. The event gathered XX participants in total.

Lesson Learned


  • Collecting Deep Tech needs form the ecosystem allowed to engage more entities in the possibilities of developing new trainings.
  • Focusing on regional ecosystems allows to discover new entities that can be partners for new partnerships
  • Organization of challenges with the participation of experienced representatives of the business and technology world boosts motivation of students to get involved in the development of their business ideas focused on Deep Tech.
  • Based on knowledge gained in IdeaUp students had better background for Preincubation  


  • Based on knowledge gained in IdeaUp students had better background for Preincubation
  • hard to enter existing networks and explain that project’s actions will help them achieving more and add value