Knowledge Hotspot

Deetechtive Knowledge Hotspot

Our Hotspot informs you about current movements in the participating project regions within the framework of DeepTech Initiatives. Current success stories - best practices and lesson learned are mentioned here.

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Success Story - 12

Final Conference

✨ Join us for the grand finale of the Deetechtive EU project as we celebrate the successful culmination of a transformative journey in technology and innovation!

🎤 Experience two inspiring success stories from Prof. Yash Chawla and Prof. Carlos Cifuentes

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Success Story - 11

Position Paper 2024

The Position Paper 2 (PP2), presented at SPS Italia 2024, represents a significant step forward in the journey towards human-centric digital transformation. This comprehensive document was developed by members of the Scientific Committee (CS) of SPS Italia, which includes leaders and experts in Automation and Digital Technologies from some of the most prominent companies in the Italian manufacturing sector, including both machine and plant builders (OEMs) and users and producers across various industries.

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Success Story - 10

IoT Workshop

The international Internet of Things (IoT) workshop has been successfully launched, marking a significant milestone in global education and research. This hands-on workshop is the result of an extensive and complex development process at the Holon Institute of Technology’s remote lab for IoT and robotics.

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 12

Robotics Challenges at European Robotic Forum

Robotics competitions provide a valuable platform for evaluating the accomplishments of worldwide teams in shared challenge scenarios. They foster discussions, facilitate knowledge exchange, and enhance research. In the upcoming ERF 2024, participants can engage in 4 thrilling robotics Challenges and 1 Hackathon

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 11

Health Talks

Join us for “Health Talks: Innovating for Growth – Deep Tech Solutions in Healthcare,” where we’ll explore applying deep tech in healthcare, focusing on startup acceleration and the synergy between technical and medical worlds. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with cutting-edge healthcare innovation!

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 10

Synesthes’art students team

Our jury has selected 43 projects that will embark on the next stage of the adventure. From April 2 to May 15, 188 projects were submitted to participate in this 8th edition of the Handitech Trophy competition.

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 9


The final of the 7th edition of the Challenge Innov’handicap, held on April 29 on the Paris campus of the EPF Engineering School, highlighted and rewarded innovative solutions aimed at making people’s daily lives easier. in a situation of disability.

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Success Story - 9

Halt O'plast

Microplastics: An Unknown but Highly DANGEROUS Pollution

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 8

Deep-Tech Camp

Wrocław Tech has successfully organized a week-long,free Deep-Tech Camp, hosted at our university, alongside students from other institutions.

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 7

Demo Day: Grow Up Tech #3

Within the Deetechtive Project framework, we showcased the remarkable work of participants from GROW UP TECH, the pre-incubation program of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

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Success Story - 8

ROBOSECT: a spin-off project of the University of Bologna

ROBOSECT is a technology-driven company founded in 2024 in Bologna, Italy. Its core technology is based on years of research conducted at the Laboratory of Automation and Robotics (LAR) at the University of Bologna.

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Success Story - 7

Triumph in Dice Manipulation: A Success Story from the 1st Doctoral Summer School on Robotics and Intelligent Machines
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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 6

Wrocław Tech Date - MedTech

Wrocław Tech Date was an open-access trainings focused on Deep Tech intended to connect and create strong links with representatives of different groups of the knowledge triangle, so that they can share their experiences, problems, ideas and start new collaborations

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Success Story - 6

Adaptronics: the "electronic fingertip" invented by two Polytechnic Alumni

It can grip heavy objects without squeezing them, is equipped with touch-sensitive sensors and is very thin: less than 0.5 mm

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Success Story - 5

UniGE and WUST Collaborate to Pioneer Green PLM Education: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Engineering

A Joint Initiative to Equip Engineers with the Tools for Eco-Friendly Product Development

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Success Story - 4

Innovating Welding: Its Foundation of La Spezia’s HeatMask at Maker Faire Rome

Transforming Traditional Welding with Industry 4.0 Technology

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Success Story - 3

OneAquaHealth: A Collaborative Journey towards Sustainable Urban Aquatic Ecosystems

Melding Technology and Innovation for Environmental Resilience

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Success Story - 2

Pioneering the Future: Compliant Delta Robot Design through Additive Manufacturing at IDETC/CIE 2023
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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 5

1st Doctoral Summer School on Robotics and Intelligent Machines – DRIMS2 a.y. 2022/2023

Advancing Robotics Education: The DRIMS2 Summer School Experience

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Success Story - 1

Remote Lab for IoT and Robotics at HIT

Testing by  DEETECHTIVE partners

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 4

Wrocław Tech Date – TechSHEroes

Woman in innovative and high-growth entrepreneurship

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 3


Deep Tech Digital Technologies in Health and Education

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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 2

Centria DropIn
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Best Practice/Lesson Learned - 1


Cyber security as a part of sustainable development